Climate Change is here, and collectively, as individuals, organizations and countries, we are not doing enough to mitigate it. Greenhouse gases emissions are still increasing and the world is on a trajectory that will exceed the 1.5 degrees objective of the Paris Agreement by 2030, and the 2 degrees objective before 2050.

At Sileca, we believe that the current situation is due to a lack of understanding of both the climate challenge and the climate solutions by most people, including businesses and political decision makers, because these are complicated issues, which require time to be fully understood. There is still time to react.

Our approach is to empower people to act as individual and as professional whatever their activity sector, by giving them the information they need about what climate change is, why and how it happens, what its consequences are, and what are the available solutions and their relative potential impacts.



Having quantified notions about greenhouse gas emissions and carbon accounting is key to understand the scale of the challenge and the relative impacts of possibles solutions. In less than 5mn, start by estimating your individual carbon footprint based on your lifestyle!

Use our calculator. It is localized for Singapore. You can use the calculator several times to see the relative impacts of different choices.

According to the IPCC (Intergovernemtal Panel for Climate Change), we need to decrease our emissions to 2 tons per person per year by 2050, to limit global warming below 2 degrees.


Sileca Corporate Consulting supports businesses all along their sustainability journey.

A business sustainable transformation is a systemic change. It requires the involvement and support of all employees and to develop the proper sustainability culture within the organization.

The timeline of the transformation must be understood: although it is urgent to start the transformation now, one must be conscious that the transformation will be a continuous long-term process.

forest image


doughnut economics

The sustainability transformation is not a story of renunciation. It is the opposite: an opportunity to re-invent a better future for everyone.

Our goal is a holistic and sustainable economic model, where the social foundations of human needs are guaranteed for everyone while avoiding exceeding planetary boundaries.

By challenging the conventional growth-focused economic paradigm and embracing regenerative, distributive, and inclusive practices, we aim to create a prosperous and just world for both people and the planet.

This is the concept of Doughtnut Economics, introduced by economist Kate Raworth in her 2017 book Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist.


LinkedIn Dan DUONG Freelance Technology Innovation Start-up Consultant and outsourced CTO


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+65 8569 6917